以中国北方地区主要乡土落叶松树种兴安落叶松(Larix gmelini)、长白落叶松(L.olgensis)和华北落叶松(L.principis-rupprechtii)的针叶及种子胚乳为研究材料,采用RAPD分子标记技术对3种落叶松进行不同物种的种间鉴别。结果表明,通过引物筛选得到了4个可以鉴别3种落叶松的RAPD引物,其中有2个引物在落叶松针叶和种子胚乳基因组中都扩增出相同的条带。引物OPB-11在兴安和长白落叶松基因组DNA中1500bp处扩增出特异条带,而在华北落叶松中没有;引物OPX-14在兴安落叶松基因组DNA中1200bp处扩增出特异条带,而在长白落叶松中没有;还有2个引物可分别作为3种落叶松苗木和种子鉴别的辅助标记。本研究从分子水平上为落叶松的种间鉴别提供了新的鉴定方法。
This article describes the species-specific identification of the needle and seed endosperm of the main native larch species (Larixgmelini, L. olgensis and L. principis-rupprechtil) from northern China by RAPD. Four primers with high polymor- phism and repeatability were obtained to distinguish the three species. Use of the primer OPB-11 amplified the same species- specific bands of genomic DNA in L. gmeliniand L. olgensisat 1 500 bp but not in L. principis-rupprechtii. Use of the primer OPX- 14 amplified the species-specific band in L. gmeliniat 1 200 bp but not in L. olgensis, both from needle and seed endosperm. The other two primers were used to identify L. gmeliniand L. olgensis with needles as the material and to identify L. olgensis and L. principis-rupprechtii with endosperms as the material, respectively. This study provides a new method for species-specific identification of these three larch species at the molecular level.
Chinese Bulletin of Botany