
东南沿海地区食盐、水源及土壤碘含量调查报告 被引量:5

The Investigation of Iodine Concentration in Salt、Water and Soil Along the Southeast Coast,China
摘要 目的对东南沿海地区杭州的环境中的碘含量进行调查,为合理的碘盐摄入和碘相关疾病的防治提供一定依据。方法随机抽样调查杭州地区居民食盐、饮水及自然环境中水源及土壤标本,采用砷、铈氧化还原法进行碘含量测定,数据采用多组方差分析统计。结果杭州地区食盐含碘27.90±4.33mg/kg;水碘范围在0.6~84.8μg/L之间。自来水、饮用井水、自然水源的碘含量均值分别为4.30μg/L、23.59μg/L、12.72μg/L,它们之间有显著性差异(P<0.01);土壤碘含量与水源碘含量的浓度正相关,但土壤碘含量各地区相似,无统计学差异(P=0.131)。结论食盐碘符合于国家的规格,水碘含量沿海比山区高,环境碘测定表明杭州仍属于碘相对缺乏地区,进行食盐加碘防治碘缺乏病是必要的。另外,环境污染程度与碘的含量呈一定正相关。 Objective We aim to describe the environment iodine concentration in salt, water and soil along Zhejiang Province coast in the China foreland. It will be helpful for us to judge whether this area is insufficient in iodine and to prevent or ameliorate the loss of universal iodized. Methods We collected iodized salt samples,drinking water samples (tap water in the towns, and well water or spring water in the villages) , water samples from different sources (ditches, lakes, rivers) and soil samples through randomly sampling in June, 2005. Salt,water and soil iodine was detected by arsenic - cerium redox method. Statistical analysis was expressed as x + s by Windows SPSS13.0. Results The iodine concentration in salt was 27.90 + 4.33 mg/kg. 75 water samples were collected. The iodine content and mean iodine content of tap water, well water and natural water sources were 4.30, 23.59 and 12.72 I.Lg/L respectively. This indicated that among environmental water sources, the ditch iodine content was the highest with river water iodine being the lowest ( P 〈 0.01 ). Soil iodine value was 0.11 - 2.93 mg/kg, mean of 1.32mg/kg. Though there was no statistical difference of soil iodine in different districts ( P = 0. 131 ) , soil iodine content correlated positively with water iodine content. Conclusions Iodine concentration in salt accords with national policy of adding iodine in salt. Foreland has more iodine in water than mountain area. The data reflected that water and soil iodine in foreland area was not high, which suggests universal iodized salt should be necessary. Environment iodine has relatively close association with pollution.
出处 《医学研究杂志》 2007年第7期90-92,共3页 Journal of Medical Research
关键词 食盐 土壤 东南沿海地区 Iodine Salt Water Soil Coast
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