用高分子右旋糖酐(HMD,MW40万)尾静脉内注射,造成Wister大 鼠微循环内微血栓形成的微循环障碍模型,采用显微电视放大系统观察活体肠系 膜微循环状态,并测定动、静脉混合血中循环内皮细胞数量,分别取其左心室壁、主 动脉和肠系膜制成病理组织切片,观察心、血管内膜病理形态学变化。结果表明,在 活体肠系膜微循环内可见微血栓,有微血栓形成的大鼠均有心肌缺血性改变和心、 血管内膜损害,以及循环内皮细胞(CEC)增多,而CEC增多程度似与心血管受损 的严重程度呈平行关系。
For the observations of the pathologic change of heart vessel endothelial structure when microthrombus formates in the microcirculation Results (1 )The microthombus had fomed in microcirculation of mesentery on the third day of intravention IIMD; (2)The CEC had increased in circulatic blood ,in the groups 2,3,4 and CEC in group 2,is more than in group 3,4;(3)The injuries of heart and aorta in group2 are more Sericus than in group 3,4and the endothelial cells were exfoliated, but there was no classical picture appearing in mesenteric microvessel. (4) The endothelium is intact in control group.
Chinese Journal of Hemorheology