
中国寿险业最低偿付能力额度要求研究 被引量:2

Study on the Requirement of the Minimum So lvency Margin of Life Insurance Industry of China
摘要 分析我国现行寿险业偿付能力额度标准理论,探讨现行标准的审慎性,并根据修正后的寿险业偿付能力额度的理论模型,采用中国寿险保险市场的历史数据进行了实证分析。 Based on the literature review of the requirement of the solvency margin of life insurance industry in China, the preciseness of present standards has been analyzed. Using revised model of minimum solvency margin, empirical analysis with statistic data has been done in the paper.
作者 占梦雅
出处 《财经理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第4期24-27,共4页 The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics
关键词 寿险 最低偿付能力额度 审慎性 Life Insurance The Minimum Solvency Margin Preciseness
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