目的了解和掌握我国儿童的体格发育现状及变化趋势,并提供0~7岁儿童的体格发育参考数据。方法采取随机整群抽样方法,调查北京、哈尔滨、西安、上海、南京、武汉、福州、广州、昆明九市及其郊区农村7岁以下儿童体格发育状况,包括体重、身高(长)、坐高(顶臀长)、头围、胸围5项指标;分男、女22个年龄组,各年龄组100~150人,共138775人。结果 2005年九市儿童的体重、身高和坐高值与1995年相比有明显的增长,并且随年龄增长,增幅逐渐增大;头围、胸围也有不同程度增长。城区、郊区之间仍存在明显差别,但郊区儿童的身高增长速度快于城区,城市与郊区儿童的身高差别逐渐缩小。九市1975至2005年的4次调查数据比较显示:30年间我国儿童的体重、身高值呈现快速增长趋势,表现为第2个10年的增长速度快于第1个10年,第3个10年的增长速度又快于第2个10年。结论我国九市城区与郊区7岁以下儿童的体格发育生长水平及营养状况较10年前有明显改善,我国儿童体格生长发育仍处于长期趋势中的快速增长阶段。九市儿童的平均生长水平已达到2006年世界卫生组织颁布的儿童生长标准。
Objective To reevaluate the normal physical growth of Chinese children and for a better understanding of its general trend within the recent 30 years and to provide the child growth reference data of Chinese children from 0 to 7 years of age. Methods Random cluster sampling was used. The subjects consisted of 138 775 healthy children under the age of 7 years from urban and rural areas of nine cities (Beijing, Harbin, Xi'an, Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuhan, Fuzhou, Guangzhou and Kunming). All the children were classified into 22 age groups. The sample size was at least 100-150 for each sex-age group in each area (urban/rural) of each city. Weight, height ( supine length if under 3 years), sitting height (crown-rump under 3 years), chest circumference and head circumference were measured for all children. Results Compared with the results obtained in 1995, the mean weight, height and sitting height significantly increased. The increment increased with chronological age. For example, at ages 6-7 years, the weight increments in the past 10 years were: urban boys and girls 1.54 kg and 1.19 kg, rural boys and girls 1.46 kg and 1.37 kg; the height increments were : urban boys and girls 2.1 cm and 1.8 cm, rural boys and girls 3.1 cm and 3.0 cm. The head and chest circumference in most age groups were slightly improved. The urban-rural difference and regional difference in growth were still significant. But the urban-rural difference in height has become smaller, as the increase has been greater in rural areas. Compared with the results of four previous studies conducted from 1975 to 2005, the results of the present survey showed that the weights and heights of Chinese children were still in the trend of accelerative growth in the past 30 years. At ages 6- 7 years, the weight and height increments of urban boys and girls were 3.26 kg, 2.88 kg, 5.3 cm and 5.0 cm; and those of rural boys and girls were 2.68 kg, 2.58 kg, 7.6 cm and 7.5 cm, respectively, within the 30 years. Compared with the increments of each 10 years, the increasing rates were higher in the second decade than in the first decade; and in the third decade than in the second decade. Conclusions The condition of growth and nutrition of Chinese children has been much improved than that seen ten years ago and the secular trend is still continuing at an accelerated growth stage. The weights and heights of Chinese children in nine cities have reached or surpassed that of the new WHO child growth standards.
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics
Body weight
Body height