Purpose: To evaluate the value of magnetic resonance spectrum(MRS) in primary central nervous system B cell lymphoma(PCNSL), pathology of tumor parenchyma was taken as comparison. Materials and Methods: Ten cases were given MR scans including routine and MRS scans. 2D multi - voxel PRESS sequence with parameter TR/TE 1000/144ms was done without contrast enhancement. M1 cases were verified by post - operation pathology. Results: Spectrum of PCNSL in all cases are similar with Cho peak increased in the parenchyma while Cr and NAA peak decreased. Prominent peak of lipid can be seen in parenchyma. Significant difference can be seen in Cho/ Cr between parenchyma and surrounding edematous region. No difference of Cho/Cr can be seen between the region 15ram away from the lesion and the contra - lateral region in the brain. HE stain of pathological section shows high density of lymph cell in tumor parenchyma. Histiocyte containing lipid can be seen scattered among lymph cell through KP - 1 stain. Conclusion: The spectrum verified the infiltration of PCNSL. Lip peak may be concerned with histiocytes in tumor.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging
Primary central nervous system lymphoma
Magnetic resonance spectrum