Purpose: To determine wbether ^1H- MRS can be used to differentiate high- grade primary gliomas and solitary metastases on basis of difference in metabolite levels both in the tumor and peritumoral region. Materials and Methods: 27 patients with a solitary brain tttmor (16 gliomas,11 metastases) underwent ^1H- MRS imaging before surgical treatment, stereotaetie biopsy and other therapy. All the patients were evident by patliology or tbe following examination and survey. Spectra from the erdaeneing tumor, tbe peritumoral region and normal brain was obtained feom the. two - dimensional spectroscopic MR imaging the student t test was used to determine ff there was significant statistical differece in metabolic ratios between high - grade gliomas and metastases. Results: The ratio CHO/Cr of tumors was elevated in gliomas and metastases, the difference was significant (P 〈 0.05). The ratio for choline to ereatine was elevated intbe peritumoral region of gliomas but not in metastases. While the ratio of NAA/Cr in the peritumoral region of gliomas and metastases was not statistical significant (P 〉 0.05). Conclusion: Tbe ratios CHO/Cr in tumor and peritumoral region of high - grade gliomas and metastases have significant statistical differece.
Modern Medical Imageology