In Its Source in the Way from Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons, the author said: “文之为德也大矣!” For this Chinese sentence, different scholars have different interpretations. “德”, in Chinese language, means "nature" or "feature", but in the mode of “X为之德”, it has been emptied, just for emphasis. We can say that “X之为德”, has the same meaning as "X", only in that the former has more emphasis than the latter. There is the pattern of “X之为物”, in ancient Chinese language. Under many circumstances, “X之为德”is equal to “X之为物”, only that the former is more abstract than the latter. Therefore, in interpreting“文之为德也大矣”, it needn't give any explanation to “德”, just saying in this way: "Pattern is very great indeed. " If we interpret “德” as "pattern's function" or "pattern's nature", that is not proper.
Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons
Its Source in the Way
"inner power"