
创新环境、学习区域、集体学习与城市群竞争力研究 被引量:2

On Innovation Environment, Study Region, Group Study and Competitiveness of Metropolitan Cluster
摘要 在知识经济迅猛发展的背景下,城市群持续的竞争优势取决于其持续的创新能力,其持续的创新能力则取决于其持续的学习能力,其持续的学习能力又取决于区域集体学习,城市群竞争力与创新环境、学习区域和集体学习有内在的逻辑关系。作为当代全球经济活动战略节点的城市群,具有创新环境、学习区域和集体学习三位一体的特征。我国城市群创新环境和集体学习的突出特点是基于创新岛和FDI的低水平学习区域。积极有效的集体学习,是形成高水平创新环境和学习区域,进而增强城市群竞争力,赢得持续竞争优势的根本途径。 With the rapid development of knowledge economy, the sustained competitive advantage of metropolitan cluster depends on the sustained innovative ability, whereas the sustained innovative ability depends on the sustained study ability, yet the sustained study ability depends on the regional group study, therefore, there is internal logic relationship among the competitiveness of the metropolitan cluster, the innovation environment, the study region and group study. As the strategic junction of contemporary global economic activities, the metropolitan cluster is characteristic of the integration of innovation environment, study region and group study. The feature of innovation environment and group study of metropolitan belt in our country is based on the innovation island and the low-level FDI study region. Active and effective group study is the essential route to form the high-level innovation environment and study region, to promote the competitiveness of the metropolitan cluster and to achieve the sustained competitive advantage.
作者 朱英明
出处 《江海学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第5期54-58,共5页 Jianghai Academic Journal
基金 国家社科基金项目"增强珠三角 长三角和环渤海地区城市群的整体竞争力研究"(项目号:06BJY036)的阶段性成果。
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