
贵州省长顺县燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒健康教育处方试点研究 被引量:12

A pilot study of the prescription of health education for controlling the endemic fluorosis in Changshun County of Guizhou Province
摘要 目的 探讨健康教育处方在控制燃煤污染型地方性氟中毒(简称地氟病)中的效果和作用。方法 采取卫生行政和疾病控制部门协调、对项目乡村干部和医务人员进行相关知识培训、基线调查、确定针对性的健康教育处方内容,并在乡村卫生院(室)实施,实施后随机抽样追踪调查与评估。结果 试点研究期间共计开出有效健康教育处方1882人份.作为宣传单自由阅取约4000人份。项目实施后家庭户主知晓率提高近40%,学生知晓率提高约25%,健康教育处方接受者总体知晓率为63.40%,较基线(8.91%)显著提高。干预后炉灶密闭使用率和烟囱出屋率均显著提高。项目乡村居民已全部不用敞煤火干燥玉米.辣椒煤火干燥率显著减少,密闭保存率显著提高。78%的地氟病防治卫生知识知晓人群已向他人讲解传播。47%的人已采取降氟措施。结论 地氟病健康教育处方试点工作在促进病区人群自我保健与防护意识、行为改变和形成方面取得初步成效.为深化贵州省地氟病健康教育与健康促进干预研究,探讨地氟病健康教育与健康促进的可持续性发展模式.以及为在全省推广运用提供了基础数据和科学依据。 Objective To explore the effects of the pilot study on health education in control of endemic fluorosis in Guizhou Province. Methods After baseline survey, the departments of health administration and disease control were coordinated with each other, meanwhile local cadres and doctors were trained in relative field of knowledge of fluorosis control followed by the prescribing of the recipe and its implementing. Finally, follow-up investigation and evaluation were carried out. Results 1882 recipes regarding health education for individuals were prescribed during the pilot study. 4000 pamphlets were read and taken away from the clinics. Awareness rate of the knowledge in the households increased by 40%, it increased nearly by 25% in the students aged 8 - 12 years. It also increased from 8.91% to 63.40% among acceptors of the recipe proscribed by the township clinic doctors. The rate of correct usage of the improved stoves and the rate of correct installation of the chimney dropped significantly. All the residents had never used the coal fire or smoke to dehydrate the corn, and seldom smoked chili pepper. The correct storage rate of drying corn and chili pepper increased at the same time. 78% of the prescription beneficiaries spread the knowledge to others, and 47% already had taken actions of defluoridation, such as installing chimney and drying the corn and chili outdoors. Conclusions The prescription of health education has achieved preliminary effect on promoting the awareness and improving behaviors for controlling the endemic fluorosis, which provides basic and scientific data for the exploring of a durative modality for health education as well as for the spreading of the application for the future
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期574-578,共5页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
基金 贵州省疾病预防控制中心科学技术基金课题(2003)
关键词 氟化物中毒 卫生宣传 预防和控制 Coal Fluoride poisoning Promotion of health Prevention and control
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