利用整体毛细管X射线半会聚透镜对同步辐射X射线进行聚焦,经透镜会聚的微焦斑直径在10μm量级,焦斑位置处的功率密度增益在10^3量级.在5.5—11.5keV能量范围内,透镜焦斑直径由38μm变为29μm,透镜传输效率由26.1%变为20.5%,焦斑的中心位置移动了3μm;透镜的出口焦距变化了155μm.在上述透镜性能研究的基础上,研究了该微焦斑同步辐射在微区EXAFS(Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure)分析技术中的应用.
A monolithic capillary half focusing X-ray lens (MCHFXRL) is used to focus the synchrotron radiation. The magnitudes of the focal spot size and gain of the synchrotron radiation microbeam focused by the MCHFXRL are in the orders of 10μm and 10^3, respectively. In the energy range from 5.5 to 11.5keV, the focal spot size varies from 38 to 29μm; the transmission efficiency varies from 26.1% to 20.5%; the translation of the vertical position of the focal spot is 3μm, the change of the output focal distance is 155μm. On the basis of the investigation of the performances of the MCHFXRL, the application of the synchrotron radiation microbeam in micro-extended-X-ray-absorption-fine-structure (micro-EXAFS) analysis is studied.
High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics