30 patients with thyroid diseases wer intravenously injected 5 mci 99mTcO4- after determining routinly 24 hour 131 I intake. In 30 min all had pinhole thpoid imaging to collect 100K counts, 99m Tc thyroid intake was calculated by the rate of average counts with a region of interes (ROI) over the thyroid and neck soft tissue. The result showed that the 30 min 99mTc-pertechnetate thyroid intake rate had positive correlation with 24 hour 131 I-Nal intake (r=0.72,P<0.01), the induced linea regresion formula was Y =2. 32x+3.39 (x represent 99m TcO4- thyroid intake, y131 I thyroid intake),hyperthpoidism group had significantly higher 30 min 99mTc-pertechnetate thyroid intake than that of non-hyperthyroidism group (31.2±2.8 versus 9. 8±1.1, P<0. 01). Therefore,it may be useful in differentiating hyperthyroidism from non-hyperthyroidism.