目的 总结分析青年人与老年人胃癌的不同临床特点,探讨其治疗方法。方法 对我院1990年1月~12月住院手术治疗,经病理检查确诊的59例青年人胃癌与356例老年人胃癌进行回顾性分析,比较两组的临床特点。结果 青年组女性所占比例明显高于老年组女性,发病性别比例具有统计学差异(P〈0.01);肿瘤部位,青年组多位于胃窦部,占66.10%,老年组虽然以胃窦部为主,但贲门部比例较青年组高,占39.16%,两组发病部位分布具有统计学差异(P〈0.01);青年组病理组织类型分化差,以低分化腺癌为主,占49.15%。老年组以中分化腺癌为主,占49.16%,发病病理组织类型分布具有统计学差异(P〈0.01);青年组胃癌手术方式与老年组相近(P〉0.05);青年组与老年组预后均较差,两组无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论 青年人与老年人胃癌具有不同的临床特点,整体病期均较晚,预后均差。因此,早期发现、早期诊断是提高疗效的关键。
Objective To analysis the different clinical charaeteristies of gastric cancer between the young and old patients, inquire into the methods of treatment. Methods We analyzed 415 eases of gastric eancer that underwent surgical treatment in our hospital from January 1990 to December 2001,59 eases were young patients ( ≤ 35years) and 356 cases were old patients (≥60years). The clinical eharacteristies were analyzed between the two groups. Results The ineidenee of eancer of young female group was higher than old female group ,the sexual difference was highly remarkable;the location of eancer were mainly gastrie antrum in group and old group , but the ineidence of eaneer body of stomaeh was increasing in old group;The well differentiated adenoeareinoma were 58.71% in old group,but only 25, 42% in young group;The resection rate of curing of gastric eaneer in young group was 50.85% and 54.21% in old group;5 - year survival rate was worse both young group and old group. Conclusion There are different clinieopathlogical charaeteristies of gastric cancer between the young and old patients and the whole disease period were later, so the prognoses are worse, thus,it is the key improning theeuring rate of twe groups that diseover early, diagnose early, and decrease the cases of advaneed stage.
Young patients Old patients Gastric caneer