【目的】评价肺功能检测在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)诊断中的必要性和重要性。【方法】收集本院呼吸内科2004年和2005年住院病人的临床资料,并对2005年的患者进行肺功能测定。用支气管扩张剂后第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)/用力肺活量(FVC)<70%作为判断COPD的标准,并根据FEV1占预计值的百分比进行分级,调查COPD诊断过程中肺功能测定情况以及COPD的患病率和漏诊率。【结果】2004年783例病患中行肺功能测定者151例(19.3%),临床诊断COPD 181例(23.1%),其中行肺功能测定64例(35.4%)。2005年入选862例患者,临床诊断COPD 205例(23.8%),其中行肺功能测定66例(32.2%)。而进行肺功能检测后诊断COPD 396例(45.9%),漏诊率达48.2%。396例COPD患者中仅130例(32.8%)行肺功能检测,其中Ⅰ级病患肺功能检测率12.2%,漏诊率97.6%。【结论】COPD患病率高,但住院的COPD病人有漏诊现象。肺功能检查对提高COPD诊断和防治水平具有重要的意义,有必要成为住院病人的常规检查,尤其对呼吸科病患。
[Objective]To emphasize the necessity and importance of Pulmonary Function Test in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases(COPD). [Methods]The clinical data of the patients in department of respiratory disease were collected from 2004 to 2005, and the lung function test was done for the patients in 2005. The examination states of pulmonary function test were investigated and the rate of morbidity and missed diagnosis detected. [Results]Among 783 patients in 2004 , there were totally 151(19.3%) done pulmonary function test, there were 181(23.1%) patients diagnosed as COPD, among which only 64 (35.4%) patients did pulmonary function test. Among 862 patients in 2005, there were 205(23.8%)diagnosed as COPD, among which only 66 (32.2%) did pulmonary function test. Nevertheless there were 396(45.90%) patients diagnosed as COPD after doing pulmonary function test. The missed diagnosis rate reached 48. 2%. Only 130(32.8%) patients of the 396 patients diagnosed as COPD did pulmonary function test. The rate of the patients in GradeⅠ who did pulmonary function test was 12.2%. The missed diagnosis rate was 97.6%. [Conclusion]COPD is a common and high mobidity rate disease, however the rate of missed diagnosis phenomenon in inpatients is also high. Pulmonary function test has important significance in the diagnosis and prevention of COPD. It is essential for inpatients to do a routine examination,especially in department of respiratory disease.
Journal of Clinical Research
lung diseases,obstructive/DI
respiratory function tests