针对温度监控系统的实际情况,在VC++环境下,分别采用windows API函数,MSComm控件开发串行数据库通信软件,实现前方数据的实时采集与存储,分析比较以上两种方法的优缺点。系统采用目前实时系统中广泛使用的Access 2000关系型数据库作为管理数据的工具,其具有强大的动态数据交换、对象链接和嵌入特性以及网络共享和ODBC特性,可快捷高效地进行数据的管理。数据库模块的设计采用标准的SQL结构化查询语言,选用ODBC数据库访问技术,存储速度快、内存消耗少、操作简单。
The software of temperature monitoring system is developed using windows API functions and MSComm control seperately with VC + + . They succed in data collecting and storing. Access2000 database of relation model is used by the system as tools for storing data which has strong capacity of dynamic data exchanging, good object interlinking properties,good internet sharing and ODBC properties. It can deal with data of the system efficiently. The standard SQL structured inquire language and ODBC database access technology are adopted by the database modules of the system that has very high memory speed and occupies very little memory space.
Journal of Beijing Union University