Objective To investigate the morbidity of voice disorders and the associated etiological factors with these conditions among selling persons based on anepidemiological survey made in specialized markets. Methods An epidemiological survey on the occurrence of voice disorders and the associated susceptible factors with such conditions was carried out among 3 747 selling persons by means of questionnaire complemented with laryngeal examination in two markets in Yiwuregion from Jul to Sep, 2006. Results Among the subjects surveyed, the morbidityrate of voice disorders in females was 38.72 %, significantly higher than that of 22.63 % in males, and this rate was 37.56% among the selling persons working inhardware market, significantly higher than that of 20.95 % among those working inhandcraft market. Furthermore, the persons aged from 30 to 50 years old accounted for 70.16% among the surveyed subjects with these voice conditions. Following the analysis on the associated , susceptible factors with such conditions, it was found that the main responsible factors for voice disorders among this kind of population mightbe incorrect manner of voice and continue hyper-voice, deteriorated with the changesin female physiological features and aggravated by the degrees of noise intensity and- environmental pollution in the markets. Conclusions Voice disorders among selling persons in markets are much more commonly seen among the population aged from 30 to 50 years old, with the incorrect manner of voice as the most possible pathogenesis factor with inpornce.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine
Voice disorders