随着视频会议、listserve、e-mail等新的非正式交流形式的出现,形成了电子无形学院的概念,鉴于没有公认的定义并缺乏对其结构研究,本文在尝试给出电子无形学院定义的基础上,以1998年8月25日-2005年8月31日美国科学家开放获取电子论坛为样本,采用SNA(social network analysis,社会网络分析)对其结构进行揭示,其中利用Pajek进行交流结构的可视化表示以及交流结构子群的确定,进而与克劳福德绘制的非正式交流结构图的比较使电子论坛的结构特点更为突显,文章以此为代表延伸分析了电子无形学院的特点,并归纳出电子无形学院交流结构的松散性、中心动态性、开放性等特点。
With the development of new forms for informal communication, such as video conference, listserve and e-mail, anew concept, "e-invisible college", is emerging. Being the lack of its commonly recognized definition and its structural research, a definition was given in this article. Based on this, the paper takes American scientists Open Access Forum as a sample, visualizes the structure and the cliques by social network analysis and pajek, compares it with the social organization of informal communication in sleep research by Crawford. This paper further analyzes the characteristics of e-invisible college and draws the conclusion on the structure, i.e. looseness, central-dynamic, and openness.
Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information