目的通过对急性脑血管病致偏侧舞蹈症进行临床分析,探讨其发病特点、病因及预后。方法对42例急性脑血管病所致的偏侧舞蹈症患者的临床表现、实验室检查、影像学表现、治疗及预后进行回顾性分析。结果42例偏侧舞蹈症中脑梗死31例,其中腔隙性脑梗死30例,大面积脑梗死1例;脑出血11例,其中丘脑小量出血8例,基底节区大量出血3例。脑卒中后24 h与1周内出现偏侧舞蹈症症状分别为36例与6例。应用氟哌啶醇治疗后症状消失35例(83.3%)。结论急性脑血管病是偏侧舞蹈症的主要病因之一,病灶部位以基底节为主,氟哌啶醇治疗效果较好。
Objective To find the clinical characteristics, etiology and prognosis with case analysis on hemichorea caused by acute cerebrovascular disease. Methods To analyze the clinical data of 42 cases hemichorea retrospectively, including clinical manifestation, laboratory test, imaging changes, treatment and recover. Results There were 30 lacunar infarction cases, 1 large area infarction, and 8 cases with small bleeding in the thalamus, 3 cases with large bleeding in the basal ganglia of 11 cases intracerebral hemorrhage. Hemichorea appeared in 36 cases within 24 hours, 6 cases within 1 week. All received aloperidin, the symptom of 35 cases disappeared. Conelusions The acute cerebrovascular disease was the main risk factors to the partial chorea, and the basal ganglion was the main etiological focus. Aloperidin could gain very good curative effect.
Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology