
兰州市小学女教师卵巢早衰现况调查研究 被引量:1

The Investigation on Premature Ovarian Failure of Female Primary School Teachers in Lanzhou City
摘要 目的通过调查研究,对兰州市小学女教师卵巢早衰(Premature Ovarian Failure,POF)的患病情况进行筛查,为小学女教师的主动预防保健工作提供依据。方法按照POF的诊断标准结合问卷调查并对所有样本人群进行一般健康状况了解、B超测定卵巢大小和血液性激素水平检测。结果兰州市小学女教师POF的筛查阳性率为1.7%,30岁以下筛查阳性率为0.2%。结论兰州市小学女教师POF患病现状值得我们重视。 OBJECTIVE Through our investigation, to know the sickness rate of premature ovarian failure (POF) of female elementary school teachers in Lanzhou City, to provide the basis of initiative prophylactic performance for them. METHODS According to the POF diagnosis standard, the B ultrasound medical equipment to determine ovary size and the blood examination to detect the level of sex excitatory autacoid, The self-made questionaire concerned with the state of health of the teachers recently was used, RESULTS The sickness rate of premature ovarian failure of the female elementary school teacher in Lanzhou City approximately is 1.7%, is higher than the POF disease incidence rate in the domestic report. CONCLUSIONS The current status of the premature ovarian failure of the female elementary school teachers in Lanzhou City should not be neglected.
出处 《中国初级卫生保健》 2008年第1期51-53,共3页 Chinese Primary Health Care
基金 兰州市城关区科技局科技发展计划资助项目(06-34)
关键词 女教师 卵巢早衰(POF) 生殖健康 现况调查 female elementary school teachers, premature ovarian failure (POF), reproduction healthy, cross-sectlonal survey
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