The global soil organic carbon pool is the second largest terrestrial carbon reservoir, and soil carbon is a major determinant of agricultural system sustainability and changes can occur in both total and active, or labile, carbon pools. The experiment started in 2005 including four treatments: plow tillage without stubble returned, plow tillage with stubble returned, rotary tillage with stubble returned and notillage with stubble returned. The total organic carbon (TOC), active carbon (AC) pool and carbon pool management index (CPMI) under conversation tillage in paddy field area were discussed from 2005 to 2006. The results indicated that TOC and AC pool decreased with the depth of soil layer. The stratification ratios (SR) of TOC increased significantly under no-tillage and minimum tillage compared to moldboard plow tillage, while, the SR of AC under stubble returned was significantly higher compared to no stubble returned. Stubble returned increased TOC at 0~20 cm soil depth, while the TOC was increased in 0~10 cm soil layer under no-tillage, and in 10~20 cm layer under minimum tillage and moldboard plow tillage. Moldboard plow tillage and stubble returned can continually improve TOC in 0~20 cm layer, and minimum tillage enhanced TOC in 0~10 cm layer. The AC under stubble returned, minimum tillage and no-tillage was increased. Stubble returned ad- vanced carbon pool index (CP1), CPMI in 0~10 cm layer and every index in 10~20 cm layer, but decreased active (A) and active index (AI) in 0~10 em layer. Minimum tillage and no-tillage increased every index of 0~ 10 cm and 10-20 cm layer pool respectively.
Journal of Agro-Environment Science