
基于资源外取的供应链弹性研究 被引量:3

Research on SC Flexibility Based on Outsourcing
摘要 首先分析了基于资源外取下的供应链弹性特点及由此带来的供应链弹性成本,在此基础上提出了如何降低供应链弹性成本及提高供应链弹性水平的途径。 The paper analyzes the features of SC flexibility based on outsourcing and the costs of SC flexibility brought by the outsourcing and meanwhile it provides how to lower the cost and how to improve the level of SC flexibility.
作者 肖为群
机构地区 南开大学商学院
出处 《物流技术》 2008年第1期77-79,91,共4页 Logistics Technology
关键词 资源外取 供应链弹性 信任 创新 outsoureing SC flexibility trust innovation
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