
论社会福利与国家福利的关系 被引量:5

On the Relation between National Welfare and Social Welfare
摘要 西方国家的历史经验表明,在市场机制的作用下,一个国家在实现工业化、城市化、现代化的过程中,国家不可能仅仅承担守夜人的责任,还必须在一定程度上承担公民的福利职责。但是,西方国家的经验和教训以及我国改革开放以来的实际状况都表明,在国家承担公民的福利职责方面,既可能存在"不及",也可能产生"过度"。"不及"或"过度"的问题,不只是政策制定层面的问题,与理论上如何理解社会福利与国家福利的关系也密切相关。 The historical experiences in Western countries reveal that in the process of industrialization, urbanization and modernization, the national government can not solely undertake the responsibility of night watchman but also undertake the duty of civil welfare. However, both the Western experiences and Chinese condition since our open policy indicate that a country can undertake civil welfare either too less or too much, which is not only an issue of policy making but also indispensable with the understanding of the relation between social welfare and state welfare.
作者 杨伟民
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期92-98,共7页 Journal of Renmin University of China
关键词 社会福利 福利国家 国家福利 social welfare welfare state state welfare
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