
香港与珠江三角洲空间关系的转变 被引量:22

Changing Spatial Relationship Between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta
摘要 改革开放后,中国区域发展经历了前所未有的转型,彻底重构了区域空间模式。在市场化、全球化与城市化三重因素影响下,传统生产基地和经济增长点不再是一枝独秀的区域中心,出现了以多中心为主的都市绵延区或多中心城市群。大珠江三角洲地区正是区域空间转型的典型案例。本文通过分析港珠关系的历史地理,揭示了港珠在区域发展中角色转变的三个时期,并从经济关系、跨境资本流动、跨境贸易、跨境人流四个方面进一步阐述港珠空间关系的发展。自1970年代后期,港珠关系经历了质变。短短20几年,珠三角不仅已经取代香港成为亚洲的世界制造业基地,也迅速发展成地区服务中心与生产资料和消费品市场。珠三角的崛起将港珠关系重新定位。本文的主要论点是,港珠关系的这种变化不能简单理解为政治或政策因素,而是深深植根于大珠三角区域经济发展之中。 The regional system in China has undergone significant transformation because of market reform, globalisation and rapid urbanization. Many cities and towns that were formerly peripheral or rural areas have developed into active economic centres linked to world capital investors and consumer markets. This kind of spatial restructuring has been seen in the Greater Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region in southern China from the late 1970s. Taking advantage of capital shift from and intensified cross-border interaction with nearby Hong Kong after 1978, the PRD has developed from a frontier farming community into a prosperous world workshop and a competing service provider. Hong Kong, which used to play a dragonhead role in the region as a major capital source and service provider, shows signs of decline in the context of new regional development. Through reviewing three stages of the changing spatial relationship between Hong Kong and the PRD from the perspective of economic development and cross-border flow (trade, capital and people), the paper argues that the recent decline of Hong Kong is not because of the political handover or post-1997 policy failure just like what many commentators have claimed. It reveals that as a dependent economy, the decline ofHong Kong is more economically related and connected closely with wider context of regional development and restructuring in the Greater PRD Region.
作者 徐江
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI 2008年第1期70-78,共9页 Urban Planning International
基金 香港研究资助局的研究用途补助金的资助(Competitive Earmarked Research Grants of HongKong Research Grants Council:Projectcode:HKU752407H)
关键词 珠江三角洲 空间关系 区域发展 跨境流动 Pearl River Delta Spatial Relationship Regional Development Cross-border Flow
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