The regional system in China has undergone significant transformation because of market reform, globalisation and rapid urbanization. Many cities and towns that were formerly peripheral or rural areas have developed into active economic centres linked to world capital investors and consumer markets. This kind of spatial restructuring has been seen in the Greater Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region in southern China from the late 1970s. Taking advantage of capital shift from and intensified cross-border interaction with nearby Hong Kong after 1978, the PRD has developed from a frontier farming community into a prosperous world workshop and a competing service provider. Hong Kong, which used to play a dragonhead role in the region as a major capital source and service provider, shows signs of decline in the context of new regional development. Through reviewing three stages of the changing spatial relationship between Hong Kong and the PRD from the perspective of economic development and cross-border flow (trade, capital and people), the paper argues that the recent decline of Hong Kong is not because of the political handover or post-1997 policy failure just like what many commentators have claimed. It reveals that as a dependent economy, the decline ofHong Kong is more economically related and connected closely with wider context of regional development and restructuring in the Greater PRD Region.
Urban Planning International
香港研究资助局的研究用途补助金的资助(Competitive Earmarked Research Grants of HongKong Research Grants Council:Projectcode:HKU752407H)
Pearl River Delta
Spatial Relationship
Regional Development
Cross-border Flow