结合我国能源资源及经济发展特点,开展省际电力合作,加大跨区送电力度,将是我国电力发展的主要趋势。为解决江苏省负荷快速发展及能源资源匮乏的问题,发挥山西作为能源大省的优势,加快跨区电网建设、加大跨区送电力度是重要手段。着重分析了"十一五"末江苏电网的电力市场空间情况和山西晋东南电源建设条件,介绍了2010年前后增加向江苏跨区送电输电方案的规划论证成果,通过对各输电方案的技术、经济比较,推荐±500 kV直流输电方案。
Based on the characteristics of energy resource distribution and economic development of China, it is a dominating trend to enhance cooperation in electric power among different provinces and increase the volume of power transmission among regional power grids. In order to solve the problem of lack of energy resources in Jiangsu province during its rapid economic development and take the advantage of the Shanxi province as an energy base, it's an important means to speed up trans-regional grid construction and reinforce transmission between regions. This paper analyzes the status of the power market in Jiangsu and power plant construction in southeast of Shanxi at the end of the "11^th Five-Year Plan", and it proves the feasibility of transmitting more power to Jiangsu around the 2010. By comparing the efficiency and technology of a number of scenario, the scenario of ± 500 kV HVDC transmission is recommended.
Electric Power Technologic Economics
± 500 kV HVDC
trans-regional transmission plan
comparison between coal transportation and electricity transmission