
美国外贸政策决策机制的变革--美国《1934年互惠贸易协定法》述评 被引量:3

The Reform of Decision-making of U.S.foreign Trade Policy—Review on The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 of the U.S
摘要 《1934年互惠贸易协定法》的通过是美国贸易政策与立法发生重大转变的标志。"1934年体制"导致美国《联邦宪法》中由国会主导的贸易政策规制体制真正开始向由国会与总统共享决策体制的过渡完成。其中所涉及的深刻的国际与国内政治—经济背景是解读这一体制的关键所在。审视这一体制并廊清其中所含的法律机理,有助于我们深入剖析美国贸易政策的历史流变,其影响表现在对美国国内贸易政策与国际贸易体制两个层面。 The passing of The Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934 serves as a symbol of drastic change of American trade policy and legislation. The system of 1934' makes the shift from the Congress-oriented trade policy power system to the decision-making system shared by the Congress and the President within the Constitution. The profound international and domestic political-economic backgrounds are the key to understanding the system. Studying it and disclosing its jurisprudence helps conduct a in-depth analysis of historical evolution of American trade policy and its effects which are reflected at domestic trade policy level and international trading system level.
作者 徐泉
出处 《法学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第1期154-160,共7页 The Jurist
关键词 贸易政策 国会与总统 决策机制 Trade Policy the Congress and the President Decision-making System
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