记述蝇科(Muscidae)妙蝇属(Myospila)的主要特征及研究现状;编制了中国四川已知的22种的检索表,并报道其中的1个新种:仿移妙蝇(Myospila mimelongata Feng,sp.nov.)。新种模式标本存于中国科学院上海植物生理生态研究所昆虫博物馆。
This paper deals with main characters and the present condition of the genus Myospila Rondani 1856. A key to twenty-two Sichuan's species of the genus Myospila is provided, among them a new species of Myospila mimelongata Feng, sp. nov. is described. The type specimens are depsited in the Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China.
Myospila mimelongata Feng, sp. nov.
Male : Body length 8.5mm. This new species is similar to Myospila elongata ( Emden, 1965 ) from Malaya, but differs from the latter in.. the 3rd antennal segment 4 times as long as its broad, that for the latter 1.8 times as long as its one; hind femur without pv bristle, that for the latter with a row ones; surstyli embrace-like in posterior view, that for the latter gateway-like; cerci with a gap on postmarginal distal in lateral view, that for the latter without it, and it with shorter setae on posterior half, that for the latter with longer ones on wholly.
Female: Body length 8.0 ram. Eyes scattered covered with microchaetae; index of frons 0.310 ; vitta frontalis black dark, both of sides parallel;ocellar triangle reached frontal anterior margin; fromtal bristles in inward 5, and in backward 2; thorax covered with blue greyish pollen; iα0 +2; mid femur each with a row of a and av bristles on basal half, and with a row ofpv bristles, among of them, end-broken morely, weaker and slender on distal half; narrow of a stripe and deformed spots on abdomenal dorsal; 3rd to 5th tergites with blue greyish pollen; spermatheca 3, testaceous, roundly. Other characters as this male of species. Bionomics: The adults of this new species are captured from the human faeces on the erth's surface and withered spikes of Swertia bimaculata on the hill.
Holotype ♂ , Ya'an (Mt. Jinfeng, 860 m; 29°59′N, 102°56′E) , Sichuan Province, China, 1993 - 11 - 12, collected by Feng Yan, Paratype, 1 ♀, Ya'an (Mr. Laohan, 800 m; 29°59′N, 102°57′E), Sichuan Province, China, 1989-11-08, same collector as holotype.
Entomological Journal of East China
new species