
留学生汉语使用焦虑与归因的相关性研究 被引量:14

A Correlation Study of the Chinese Use Anxiety and the Attribution
摘要 根据维纳的归因理论模型,我们提出一个假设:留学生如果将汉语学习的失败原因归为内在的可控因素时,他们的汉语使用焦虑水平可能下降。然而我们在对224名留学生进行了汉语使用焦虑与汉语学习成败的归因分析的相关性研究后发现,事实并非如此。那些将汉语学习的成败归于内在可控因素的学习者的汉语使用焦虑反而更高。 This study examines the relationship between attributions and Chinese use anxiety using attribution theory as its theoretical bases. The hypothesis that learners who attribute their outcomes externally will have higher levels of anxiety than those who attribute them to internally controllable variables was tested. The survey data were collected from 224 foreign students who learn Chinese as a second language. The data revealed that as learners perceived the successful acquisition of Chinese under their control, namely due to their efforts, foreign language use anxiety increased. This finding ran counter to theoretical expectation and failed to support the hypothesis.
作者 张晓路
出处 《语言教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第2期32-37,共6页 Language Teaching and Linguistic Studies
关键词 汉语使用焦虑 归因理论 留学生 汉语学习 Chinese use anxiety attribution theory
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