3Becker, Jules. The Course of Exclusion, 1882-1924: San Francisco Newspaper Coverage of the Chinese and Japanese in the United States. University of Califomia, Berkeley, Ph. D. ,1986. p. 1.
5Roy Watson Curry. Woodrow Wilson and Far Eastern Policy, 1913- 1921. New York: Bookman Associates, 1957. p.44,p.143,p.55,p.141,p.110,p.116, pp.116- 117,p. 256,pp.275 - 276, p.257.
6V.S. McClatchy. Japanese-American Relations and the Second Generation. JSTOR Pacific Mfairs, Vol.2, No.4, p.200, p.202, p. 201.
7Stemen, John Roger. The Diplomacy of the Immigration Issue: A Study in Japanese-American Relations, 1894 - 1941. Indiana University, Ph.D., 1960. p.12.
8Arthur S. Link, ed. The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, Vol. 27, Princeton University Press, 1978. p.266,p. 162.
9Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, with the Annual Message of the President Transmitted to Congress December3, 1906. Washington Government Printing Office, 1909. Message of the President, p. XLⅢ.
10Kendrick A. Clements. Woodrow Wilson: World Statesman. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee,1999. p.138,p.138.