为了评测园林常用宿根花卉石竹在北京地区的水分需求,2006年利用蒸散量反馈式灌溉原理,采用小型蒸渗仪研究了石竹一年生苗在100%ETc、75%ETc、50%ETc、25%ETc4个灌溉水平下的水分蒸散。结果表明,6—10月石竹的蒸散量随灌溉量减少而降低,不同灌溉水平间蒸散量差异显著;同一灌溉水平下各月之间蒸散量差异显著。4个灌溉水平下石竹6—10月的总蒸散量分别为432.6、315.5、220.6、118.0 mm。利用Penman-Monteith蒸散量经验模型计算潜在蒸散量ET0,得出石竹6—10月的作物系数Kc为0.63-1.12。根据实测蒸发皿的蒸发量计算出石竹6—10月的需水系数α为0.93-1.77。随着植物的生长,Kc和α值在9月达到高峰。测量石竹在8—10月的日蒸散,在12:00时蒸散量最大,为单峰曲线;但在水分胁迫情况下会出现蒸腾午休现象,表现为双峰曲线。4个灌溉水平下石竹的蒸散量均低于北京地区的自然降雨,总降雨量可以满足石竹的水分需求,但鉴于降雨季节性分布不均衡,春秋季节适当灌溉可以延长观赏期。
To evaluate water requirement of Dianthus chinensis, the perennial flower in common use for landscape in Beijing, evapotranspiration (ET) of one-year-grown D. chinensis in 2006 was measured in mini-lysimeter at four irrigation levels of 100% ETc, 75% ETc, 50% ETc and 25% ETo based on ET feedback irrigation. Results showed that the ET decreased with the irrigation and differed significantly among different irrigation levels from June to October. The ET at the same irrigation level differed significantly between months from June to October. The total ET during the period from June to October was respectively 432.6 mm( 100% ETc), 315.5 mm(75%ETc), 220.6 mm(50%ETc) and 118.0 mm (25% ETc). ETo was calculated based on the Penman-Monteith equation, then crop coefficients ( Kc ) of D. chinensis in each month from June to October were 0.63-1.12. Water requirement coefficients ( α ) during the same periods were 0.93-1.77 on the basis of evaporation by evaporation pan. The values of Kc and a varied with plant growth and reached the peak in September. The diurnal ET from August to October was measured and reached the maximum at 12:00 with a single-peak curve. Under drought stress, D. chinensis might present midday depression transpiration, and then a double-peak curve of diurnal evapotranspiraion appeared. The ET at four irrigation levels was all lower than the rainfall in Beijing, meaning the total rainfall was enough for D. chinensis to grow. Whereas since the uneven distribution of rainfall, it' s necessary to irrigate appropriately in spring and autumn for longer ornament period.
Journal of Beijing Forestry University
Dianthus chinensis evapotranspiration
crop coefficient
water requirement coefficient