
2006年四川省洪雅县燃煤污染型氟中毒监测结果分析 被引量:2

Analysis of the survey result of the coal-burning endemic fluorosis in Hongya County of Sichuan Province in 2006
摘要 目的了解四川省洪雅县燃煤型地方性氟中毒病区病情现况及食物、饮水含氟量。方法对高庙镇和瓦屋山镇两所中心小学8~12岁儿童进行氟斑牙检查和尿氟测定;对高庙镇三星村20岁以上人口进行临床检查,并在花园村选取50名20岁以上成年人进行前臂和小腿部X线摄片,检查氟骨症;对高庙镇三星村、瓦屋山镇付田村的食物(腊肉、玉米、干辣椒)和三星村5户居民饮用水样进行含氟量检测。结果高庙镇儿童氟斑牙检出率为40.76%(161/395),氟斑牙指数为0.86;瓦屋山镇儿童氟斑牙检出率为14.36%(82/571).氟斑牙指数为0.31。儿童尿氟中位数为0.81mg/L.范围0.16~3.89mg/L。氟骨症临床检出率为5.27%(27/512),X线检出率为4.00%(2/50)。腊肉、玉米、干辣椒含氟量中位数分别为6.00、0.64、1.49mg/kg。居民饮用水含氟量为(0.14±0.06)mg/L,全部合格。结论洪雅县目前病情较轻,病区范围明显缩小,环境氟对人体的致病强度降低。摄氟途径主要是食用被氟污染的腊肉.腊肉的含氟量在洪雅县病区具有流行病学意义,应加强干预措施,降低摄氟量。 Objective To investigate the current status of coal-burning endemic fluorosis and the fluoride content in foods and drinking water in Hongya County, Sichuan Province. Methods Dental fluorosis and urinary fluoride were suveyed in children of 8 - 12 years old in two schools which repectively located in Gaomiao and Wawushan Town. The adults above 20 years old underwent clinical examination. At the same time, fifty adults above 20 years old in Garden Village were chosen to take forearm and calf X-ray films to find out the evidence of skeletal fluorosis. The content of fluoride in food such as bacon, corn, dry capsicum in Sanxing Village in Gaomiao Town and Futian Village in Wawushan Town as well as drinking water in five families in Sanxing Village were determined. Results The dental fluorosis rate of children was 40.76% (161/395), the dental fluorosis index was 0.86 in Gaomiao Town. The dental fluorosis rate of children was 14.36%(82/571), the dental fluorosis index was 0.31 in Wawushan Town. The medium value of the urine fluoride was 0.81 mg/L, ranged 0.16 - 3.89 mg/L. The positive rate of the clinical examination of skeletal fluorosis was 5.27% (27/512), the X-rays detective rate was 4.00% (2/50). The medium value in bacon, corn, dry capsicum were 6.00,0.64, 1.49 mg/kg. The averaged content of the fluoride in drinking water(0.14 ± 0.06)mg/L of local household was within the eligible limitation. Conclusions It is currently a mild endemic disease in Hongya Country, its incidence is reduced apparently, pathogenetic environmental fluoride content is reduced. The main source of fluoride is from the preserved ham contaminated with fluoride, which is epidemiologically significant in endemic area of Hongya County. Defluoriding countermeasures should be taken in the endemic areas.
出处 《中国地方病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期191-193,共3页 Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
基金 中央补助地方公共卫生专项资金地方病防治项目(2006)
关键词 X线 环境污染 洪雅县 燃煤型地方性氟中毒 摄氟途径 腊肉 Fluoride poisoning Fluorosis, dental X-rays Environmental pollution
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