
Gore-Tex补片在儿童先天性完全性上睑下垂手术中的应用 被引量:1

Frontalis suspension using Gore-rex soft-tissue patch for severe congenital ptosis in children.
摘要 目的探讨Gore-Tex补片应用于额肌悬吊术治疗儿童先天性完全性上睑下垂的临床价值。方法将Gore-Tex补片作为悬吊材料,对15例(19眼)儿童先天性完全性上睑下垂行额肌悬吊术。术后随访6个月。结果术后早期出现暴露性角膜炎1例(1眼);复发1例(1眼),上睑缘回落至瞳孔上缘;余均矫正满意,且未见血肿、感染、睑内翻、睑外翻或慢性肉芽肿等并发症。结论Gore-Tex补片作为悬吊材料用于治疗儿童先天性完全性上睑下垂其效果令人满意。 Objective To analyze the outcome of frontalis suspension surgery for severe congenital ptosis using Gore - rex softtissue patch in children. Methods 15 children( 19 eyes) with severe congenital ptosis underwent frontalis suspension surgery using Gore-tex soft-tissue patch. Results In a follow-up period of 6 mouths, 1 patient had exposure keratopathy, ptosls recurred was encountered in 1 case, other postoperative healing was free of complications. Conclusion The functional and cosmetic results of frontalis suspension surgery for severe congenital ptosis using Gore- rex soft-tissue patch in children is satisfying.
作者 冯佳 金姬
出处 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 北大核心 2008年第3期206-208,共3页 Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of the Eye with Ophthalmic Surgeries
关键词 上睑下垂 额肌悬吊术 Gore—Tex补片 congenital ptosis frontalis suspension sling
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