学术背景:目前治疗脊髓损伤应用比较多的方法是细胞移植治疗和神经营养因子的应用。移植的细胞可在损伤部位存活、整合入宿主组织中,分化出神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞,并且和宿主细胞之间可形成突触样结构,使中枢神经系统的功能得到部分恢复。目的:总结神经干细胞移植治疗大鼠脊髓损伤的研究进展。检索策略:应用计算机检索Pubmed数据库1985-01/2007-10期间的相关文献,检索词为“Spinal Cord Injuries,Neural,Stem Cell Transplantation”。并限定文章语言种类为English。同时计算机检索中文科技期刊数据库1989-01/2007-06期间的相关文章,检索词为“脊髓损伤,神经干细胞,神经元,干细胞移植”,并限定文章语言种类为中文。对资料进行初审,并查看每篇文献后的引文。纳入标准:文章所述内容应与移植干细胞后脊髓损伤后神经轴突的再生与修复等研究进展中的应用相关。排除标准:重复研究或Meta分析类文章。共收集到66篇相关文献,31篇文献符合纳入标准,排除的35篇为内容陈旧或重复文献。文献评价:符合纳入标准的31篇文献中,23篇涉及移植后损伤脊髓神经元和轴突、髓鞘的再生及功能修复的研究,8篇涉及存在的问题与展望。资料综合:①在脊柱骨折中约有16%~40%并发脊髓损伤。脊髓损伤传统治疗仅限于脊柱骨折脱位的复位固定、解除脊髓压迫、对症及康复治疗,疗效较差。②近年来随着神经病理生理及神经发育学研究的不断深人,神经组织或非神经组织移植逐渐应用于脊髓损伤并取得了肯定的成绩。③干细胞具有自我更新能力,植入受损部位后,其释放的营养因子能促进神经元的再生,且再生轴突能快速穿越移植物与宿主组织的边界,重建轴突的连续性。④关于干细胞及营养因子在损伤脊髓修复方面的研究虽已取得较大进展,但仍存在对神经再生的不利因素,如髓鞘相关抑制分子和胶质瘢痕形成,免疫排斥等。结论:干细胞移植是治疗脊髓损伤的理想方案,可恢复损伤大鼠脊髓的部分功能。
BACKGROUND: Cell transplantation and neurotrophic factor are applied to treat spinal cord injury. Transplanted cells can survive in injured region, move into host tissue, and differentiate into neurons, astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Synapse-like structure can be detected to repair the function of central nervous system. OBJECTIVE: To summarize the researching progression of neural stem cell transplantation for treating rat spinal injury. RETRIVAL STRATEGY: PUBMED is undertaken to identify the relevant articles published from January 1985 to October 2007 with the key words of "spinal cord injury, neural stem cells, stem cells transplantation" in English. Simultaneously, Vip Database was searched for relevant articles published from January 1989 to June 2007 with the key words of "spinal cord injury, neural stem cells, neurons, stem cell transplantation" in Chinese. All the data were filtrated primarily, and then quotation of each article was checked. Inclusive criterion: all the articles must be related to the reconstruction of structure and function in injured spinal cord after the surgery. Exclusive criterion: the articles with repetitive research or Meta analysis were excluded.66 articles were collected in all, among them we used 31 articles, and the others were excluded because of repetition or old in contents. LITERATURE EVALUATION: Of 31 articles, 23 were included in the study on the regeneration and repairing of neuron, neuraxon and myelin sheath post spinal cord injury, and 8 related to the present problems and the prospect. DATA SYNTHESIS: (1)In the cases of spinal column fracture, there will be 16% to 40% have the complication of spinal cord injury. For the treatment of spinal cord injury, traditionally the replacement of spinal column dislocation, decompression of the injured spinal cord and rehabilitation therapy is the main means, but with poor outcome. (2)Recently with the development of the neuropatbopbysiology and neurogenesis, the transplantation with the neural or non-neural tissue to treat the spinal cord injury achieved great progress. (3)Witb the property of self-renewing, stem cells transplanted into the injured locations can release some neurotropbic factors which can promote the regeneration of neuron and the neuraxon can drill through the boundary between the implant and host tissue to reconstruct the continuity of neuraxon. (4)But there are a lot of disadvantage factors clagging the neurogeneration, such as the myelin-relative inhibitor, the information of glial scar and immune repulsive reaction. CONCLUSION: The stem cell transplantation may be the ideal strategy in the treatment of the spinal cord injury, because it can repair apart of spinal cord function after injury in rats.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research