从自动测试系统通用性的角度出发,阐述了ATS软件通用性的实现及关键技术。利用MFC在组件技术的基础上完成了飞机电源系统通用参数测试软件功能组件开发,同时结合GL Studio完成了图形控件的设计和开发。借助于LabWindows/CVI,给出了通用测试软件集成的详细说明和方法步骤。
Based on the general ATS, this paper discusses the achievement method and the key technology of the general-utility of software. Based on the MFC component technology, the design of the component of the general test software for the aircraft power system has been developed, and combining with the GL Studio, the development of the graph control has been accomplished. This paper introduces the method and the steps of development and integration of the general test software with LabWindows/CVI particularly.
Metrology & Measurement Technology