目的探讨去细胞异体面神经修复家兔全面神经缺损的可行性,为进一步研究异体面神经再生打下良好的基础。方法采用化学萃取剂Triton X-100和脱氧胆酸钠对家兔面神经进行处理,清除其雪旺细胞、髓鞘。造成家兔左侧面神经主干加分支共2 cm的缺损,采用去细胞异体全面神经在显微镜下进行外膜缝合桥接缺损。结果术后6个月取材显示良好的抗感染及再生能力。结论该修复模型稳定,可重复性强,化学去细胞异体全面神经修复家兔全面神经缺损是可行的。
Objective To develop the model of repair of the whole facial nerve defect bridging by chemically acellularized facial nerve allograft so as to explore the feasibility of the whole nerve defect repair. Methods The facial nerve from the rabbit was chemically treated by Triton X-100 and sodium deoxycholate to get rid of Shwann's cells and medullary sheath. A 2 cm left facial nerve defect was made in the rabbit and was bridged by chemically acellularized facial nerve allograft under surgical microscope. Results After 6 months, more satisfactory nerve regeneration were found in the defect, with no infection. Conclusion The model has good stability and repeatability and it is possible to repair the whole facial defect by chemically acellularized facial nerve allograft.
Laboratory Animal Science
Chemical acellularization
Whole facial nerve defect
Animal model