借助接收分组时测得的信号强度,提出OLSR-PSSA(Pre-rerouting and Signal Strength A-ware OLSR)改进协议。为了建立和维护生存时间更长、链路更加健壮的路由,并加入预切换路由机制,来适应节点的移动和网络拓扑结构的频繁变化。OPNET仿真结果显示,与传统OLSR协议相比,OLSR-PSSA改进协议提升了传输成功率,增加了网络吞吐量。
In traditional mobile wireless Ad Hoc networks using OLSR protocol, a relatively long time is required for nodes involved in some link's broken off to update their neighbor table and routing table, which may result in terribly packets transmission failure during this period, To this point, OLSR - PSSA ( Pre - rerouting and Signal Strength Aware OLSR), an adaptive OLSR routing protocol based on the signal strength of packets is presented. An algorithm is introduced to produce more durable and robust routes. Further more, pre- rerouting algorithm is also presented to shorten the span of updating route message. Theoretic analysis and simulation results show that OLSR - PSSA can address the foresaid problems and improve the routing performance apparently.
Telecommunication Engineering