目的探讨动态脑电图(ambulatory electroencephalogram,AEEG)对癫鉴别诊断的意义。方法对89例临床可疑癫病人进行动态脑电图监测,并对监测结果分析。结果AEEG检查发现有样放电者69例,占77.5%,其中27例(30.3%)有临床发作,42例(47.2%)仅在AEEG检查发现样放电,20例(22.5%)排除癫。结论AEEG对癫的鉴别诊断具有重要作用。
Objective To evaluate the diagnosis and distinguish diagnosis value of AEEG in patients with epilepsy. Methods 89 patients with epilepsy were underwent AEEG monitoring for 24 hours, which had normal EEGs. Results AEEG showed that 69 patients (77, 5%) had eplieptiform discharges, 27 patients (30.3%) experienced tipical clinical episodes during their recordings, 42 patients (47.2%) only had eplieptiform discharges and 20 patients (22.5%) found no eplieptiform discharges rule epilepsy out. Conclusion AEEG has important clinical effection in diagnosis of epilepsy.
Chinese Journal of Practical Nervous Diseases