
语言、身份与国际秩序:后建构主义理论研究 被引量:24

Language,Identity and International Order:On Postconstructivism
摘要 后建构主义以后现代建构主义和后结构主义为理论基础,把语言、身份和国际秩序作为自己的理论核心,强调身份是社会语言建构的结果,需要通过语言来维持和发展,尤其是在某些危机时期,语言会作为一个独立变量影响国际秩序。就如同物质力量决定国际体系结构一样,语言同样造就一种叙述结构,约束行为体的自我认同,影响行为体的行为。在这个过程中,行为体主要是使用语言力(尤其是语言的表象力)来维护原有的叙述结构,把原有的集体身份强加给对方,使自我认同不被破坏。行为体可以通过巧妙的语言表达和链接来加固原有的身份,维护原有的自我认同,使失序的国际关系回复到有序状态。 Postconstructivism,drawing on relevant theories of postmodern constructivism and poststructrualism,takes language,identity and international order as the core of the theory.It holds that identity is a kind of social linguistic construction and should be maintained and developed by language.During crisis or uncertain times,language can be an independent variable for international order.As material power is the basis of international system structure,language can also form a narrative structure,which restrains the actor's sense of Self and choice of action.During this process,the actor mainly uses representational force to maintain the original narrative structure and forces the original collective identity upon his counterparts,who can not afford the destruction of his original sense of Self.The actor can skillfully structure the phrases and linking to fasten the original identity and bring the order back.
作者 孙吉胜
出处 《世界经济与政治》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第5期26-36,共11页 World Economics and Politics
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