目的分析1992-2006年肾综合征出血热的流行特点及规律,为制定泰安市肾综合征出血热防制策略提供科学依据。方法用描述性流行病学方法对1992-2006年肾综合征出血热疫情资料、宿主动物带病毒监测资料进行分析。结果1992-2006年全市共发病9 674例,年平均发病率为11.80/10万,死亡25例,病死率0.26%。发病呈明显季节性高发,表现为双峰型,春季高峰高于冬季高峰;发病以青壮年、男性农民为主,<19岁的学生发病有所上升。发病性别男女之比为2.03∶1,发病地区分布于所辖6县(市、区)。鼠种构成复杂,室内以褐家鼠、野外以黑线姬鼠为优势鼠种。结论泰安市为混合型的肾综合征出血热疫区,褐家鼠是本病主要宿主动物和传染源。
Objective To analyse the epidemic characteristics of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) , master its epidemic reqularity, so as to provide scientific basis for the draw up of prevention and cure of HFRS in Taian. Method Epidemic situation information and the monitoring data of animal host carrying virus were analysed in descriptive epidemiology. Results There were 9 674 cases of HFRS from 1992 to 2006, and the mean annual disease incidence was 11.8/10^5. There were 25 cases of death, the mortality was 0. 26%. The incidence of HFRS in Taian was seasonal, presenting bimodal type. The incidence in spring was higher than winter. Most patients were young adult male farmer. The incidence of HFRS of male was higher than female. All six administered counties(cities / districts) were incidence area. The constitution of rats type varies: The dominance rodent's specie indoor was sewer rat while outdoor was Apodemus agrarius. Conclusion Taian City is a mixed type HFRS endemic area with the R. norvegicus soccer as the dominant rat.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome(HFRS)
Epidemic developments