Objective To study the regularity in distribution of ABO, Rh, MN, P and JK^(a-b-)blood groups in Shaoguan Prefecture, Guangdong Province, China, and provide theoretical basis for recruiting blood donors and scientific storage of blood in the region. Methods The blood samples of donors were subjected to forward backward ABO grouping, Rh, MN and P grouping as well as screening of JK^(a-b-) by using U-shaped 96-well microtiter plate, and those with indefinite results were further confirmed by agglutination test in tube. Results The gene frequency of ABO blood group was characterized as r 〉 p 〉 q, and the distribution as O 〉 A 〉 B 〉 AB. Of the test samples, 0. 16% were Rh ( D 〉 negative. The detection rate of A2 subgroup in the samples of group AB was higher than that of group A+ The gene frequency of MN blood group was characterized as m〉n, and the distribution as MN 〉 M 〉 N. The gene frequency of P blood group was characterized as p2 〉 ps and distribution as P2 〉 P3. The detection rate of JK^(a-b-) blood group was 1 : 22 161+ 5. Conclusion Group 0 was the dominant blood group in Shaoguan Prefecture, and the distribution of group A was higher than that of group B. Compared with those in other regions, the detection rate of A2 subgroup in the region was high, the Rh ( D) negative rate was low, and the detection rate of JK^(a-b-) group was remarkably low. More donors of groups O and A should be recruited, and the storage of blood of the two groups should be increased. Especially, the documents of Rh(D) negative and JK^(a-b-) group donors should be preserved carefully, and the storage of blood from these donors in frozen, as well as the self-blood stock of JJK^(a-b-) group donors should be strengthened.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals
Blood group
Blood transfusion