

An Empirical Study on the Spillover Effect of the Area around Bohai Sea
摘要 文章利用区域间投入产出表的基本流量数据,采用Miller-Round模型测算了环渤海地区的区内乘数效应及其与国内各区域相互溢出效应。结果显示,环渤海地区内部各省之间产业关联度较高,区内乘数效应大;同时,环渤海地区是在国内各区域区际经济联系中获得溢出效应最大的区域,它从国内其他区域获得的溢出效应要显著地高于本区域对其它区域的溢出效应。环渤海地区应进一步加强与东部沿海和东北地区的经济联系,以获得更大溢出效应;同时也要加强与中西部地区的经济联系并注重提高对中西部地区的溢出效应,更好地发挥自身经济发展对全国经济的带动作用。 Based on the muhiregional IOT of eight regions in China, this study analyses the intraregional multiplier effect of the area around Bohai Sea and the interregional spillover effect between the area around Bohai Sea and other regions in China. The result shows that the intraregional multiplier effect is very strong in the area around Bohai Sea; the spillover effect obtained from other regions in China for the area around Bohai Sea is the strongest, it is obviously higher than its contribution to other areas. The interregional economy linkage should be strengthened between the area around Bohai Sea and other regions in China.
作者 彭连清
出处 《石家庄经济学院学报》 2008年第4期23-28,共6页 Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics
关键词 区域间投入产出表 环渤海地区 溢出效应 实证分析 multiregional IOT the area around Bohai Sea spillover effect empirical study
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