As all-ceramic materials have achieved wide applications in the clinical treatment of stomatology, but porcelain crown grinding causes harmful dust, affecting the dentists and the technicians that deal with it everyday. The aim of this study is to analyze the particle size of the dust caused by the porcelain crown, and to discuss the possibility of the silicosis in the dentists and the technicians. 25 g porcelain cement grinded by common silicon carbide bur was used for the particle distribution test, in order to definite the percentage of the dust which might cause the silicosis. Results showed that, the size range of the porcelain cement was fairly broad, covering the detection limit of 0.3-300 μ m of the equipment. The percent of below 1.95 μ m, 2.28 μ m and 2 μ m was 8.49%, 9.95% and 9%, respectively. So the dust of the grinding porcelain crown may cause the silicosis.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research