
同步内隐/外显序列学习:事件相关的fMRI的初步研究 被引量:12

Concurrent Implicit and Explicit Sequence Learning:An Event-related fMRI Study
摘要 本文利用事件相关fMRI研究探讨对于内隐和外显学习在脑区激活上的差异。实验采用同步内隐/外显学习序列,以有色的形状作为刺激材料,要求被试对于刺激的颜色做选择反应,并在颜色消失后找出形状的内在规则。颜色和图形序列分别采用两个独立的马尔可夫链,即下一个图形的颜色或者形状有70%的可能服从序列规则。行为数据显示被试习得了外显和内隐的规则,fMRI成像主要比较内隐和外显学习在学习过程和知识运用上脑区激活的差异。结果发现,与内隐学习相比,外显学习在额叶的激活更为显著。而且,内隐学习和外显学习在视觉皮层的激活出现分离,内隐学习中枕叶的激活减弱,而外显学习中枕叶的激活增加。 In this study, an event-related fMRI was used to explore the differenee of brain mechanism between implicit learning and explieit learning. The partieipants performed a concurrent implieit and explieit sequence learning that they responded to the color of stimulus and tried to find out the hidden rule of the stimulus' shape. The sequenee of color and shape obeyed independent markov ehain that the next color or shape had a 70 % ehanee of following in the set order. The behavior data showed that partieipants learned the explieit and implieit rule. In the result of fMRI data analysis, we found implieit and explieit learning showed opposite patterns of aetivation in the visual eortex, and there was generally more prefrontal aetivation in the explieit condition.
出处 《心理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期887-891,851,共6页 Journal of Psychological Science
基金 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目(批准号06JZD0039) 上海市功能磁共振成像重点实验室开放课题基金的资助
关键词 FMRI 外显学习 内隐学习 序列学习 fMRI, implieit learning, explieit learning, sequence learning
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