

Interaction of fluorine, calcium and iodine on thyroid weights of rats
摘要 目的观察不同氟、钙和碘水平对甲状腺重量的交互作用。方法应用2×2×2析因实验设计将Wistar大鼠分成8组,分别进行适中氟钙碘、适中氟碘高钙、适中钙碘高氟、适中碘高氟钙、适中氟钙低碘、适中氟高钙低碘、适中钙高氟低碘、高氟钙低碘喂养,6个月后观察其对甲状腺重量的影响。结果氟与钙和钙与碘分别存在交互作用(F=5.868,P=0.018和F=4.062,P=0.048)。固定因素分析,适中氟、钙时,低碘组的甲状腺重量高于适中碘组(t=-4.523,P<0.001);适中碘高氟时,适中钙组低于高钙组(t=-3.472,P=0.003);适中碘、钙时,高氟组低于适中氟组(t=2.733,P=0.014);适中碘高钙时,适中氟组低于高氟组(t=-2.502,P=0.022)。其它各比较组间无差异。结论氟与钙和钙与碘对甲状腺重量分别发生交互作用,可直接或间接地影响甲状腺的生长发育。 Objective To study the interaction of fluorine, calcium and iodine on thyroid weights of rats. Methods Wistar rats were randomly divided into 8 groups: ① moderate concentrations of fluorine, calcium and iodine; ② moderate concentrations of fluorine, iodine and higher concentration of calcium; ③moderate concentrations of calcium, iodine and higher concentration of fluorine; ④ moderate concentration of iodine and higher concentrations of fluorine, calcium; ⑤ moderate concentrations of fluorine, calcium and lower concentration of iodine; ⑥moderate concentration of fluorine, higher concentration of calcium and lower concentration of iodine; ⑦moderate concentration of calcium, higher concentration of fluorine and lower concentration of iodine; ⑧higher concentrations of fluorine, calcium and lower concentration of iodine based on 2x2x2 factorial design. After six months, thyroid weights were measured. Results According to the results of factorial ANOVA, significant interaction effects of fluorine with calcium and calcium with iodine were found. Thyroid weights in lower concentration of iodine group is higher than that in moderate concentration of iodine group, while certain fluorine and calcium concentrations were moderate. Thyroid weights in moderate concentration of calcium group is lower than that in higher concentration of calcium group, while certain iodine concentration were moderate and fluorine concentration were higher. Thyroid weights in higher concentration of fluorine group is lower than that in moderate eoneentration of fluorine, while certain iodine and calcium concentrations were moderate. Thyroid weights in moderate concentration of fluorine group is lower than that in higher concentration of fluorine, while certain iodine concentration were moderate and calcium concentration were higher. No effect were found in other groups. Conclusions interaction effects of fluorine with calcium and calcium with iodine were found in thyroid weight, and this effect could affected growth and development of thyroid directly or indirectly.
出处 《遵义医学院学报》 2008年第3期221-224,共4页 Journal of Zunyi Medical University
基金 贵州省教育厅基金(黔教科20022321) 遵义医学院优秀青年基金(G-005)
关键词 甲状腺 交互作用 Fluorine Calcium Iodine Thyroid Interaction
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