
支气管哮喘病人IL-12/IL-13失衡及胸腺素α_1调节作用的研究 被引量:1

摘要 目的探讨哮喘病人外周血白细胞介素12(IL-12)、白细胞介素13(IL-13)水平变化,及胸腺素α1(Tα1)对哮喘病人IL-12/IL-13失衡的调节作用。方法选取缓解期哮喘病人25例(哮喘组),给予Tα1隔日1次皮下注射,每次1 mg/kg,疗程1.5月。分别于用药前后采用双抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)检测病人血清中IL-12I、L-13的含量。以15例健康志愿者作为对照。结果哮喘组用药前血清中IL-13含量显著高于对照组(t=3.46,P<0.01),用药后血清IL-13含量显著降低(t=8.03,P<0.01)。哮喘组用药前血清中IL-12含量显著低于对照组(t=4.87,P<0.01),用药后血清IL-12含量显著增加(t=4.75,P<0.01)。结论哮喘病人体内IL-13产生过度,IL-12产生不足,IL-12/IL-13失衡是哮喘发病的关键因素之一;Tα1能降低IL-13水平,提高IL-12水平,通过调节IL-12/IL-13失衡而发挥抗哮喘作用。 Objective To observe the changes of IL-12 and IL-13 levels in peripheral blood and the effects of Thymosin α1 (Tα1) on them. Methods Tα1(1 mg/kg), every other day, was given hypodermically, for 1.5 months, to 25 patients with asthma in remission. The serum IL-12 and IL 13 were measured by ELISA before and after treatment. The results were compared with 15 healthy controls. Results IL-13 levels of the patients before treatment were significantly higher than that of the controls (t=3.46,P〈0.01), and lower after treatment (t=8.03,P〈0.01). IL- 12 levels of the patients before treatment were significantly lower than that of the controls (t 4.87,P〈0.01), and higher after treatment (t=4.75,P〈0.01). Conclusion Overpro- duction of lI. 13 and underproduction of II.-12 are seen in asthma, the imbalance of IL-12/IL-13 is a key factor of asthmauc attack. Tα1 can downregulate IL-13 level and upregulate IL-12, and educes its anti-asthma through modulating IL-12/IL-13 unbalance.
出处 《青岛大学医学院学报》 CAS 2008年第4期327-328,330,共3页 Acta Academiae Medicinae Qingdao Universitatis
关键词 哮喘 白细胞介素12 白细胞介素13 胸腺素 Asthma Interleukin-12 Interleukin-13 Thymosin
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