
基于跨层机制的最佳协作中继选择及其系统实现 被引量:11

Implementation of the optimal cooperative relay selection based on cross-layer mechanism
摘要 为了获得最佳的协作中继用户,通过推导协作中继传输系统的误符号率,提出了基于放大重传和解码重传下最佳协作中继的选择准则,并结合跨层协作的思想给出了基于MAC层来实现最佳协作中继选择的分布式协议。与此同时,提出了协作分集系统的物理层传输方案,分析了瑞利衰落信道环境下所提方案的系统性能,得到了系统误比特率的闭式解。此外,针对协作中继选择准则和协作分集传输方案的误码性能进行了系统仿真和性能比较,结果表明,所提出的协作中继选择准则明显优于传统中继选择准则,且协作传输方案可以获得明显的分集增益,系统平均误比特率显著下降。 Two optimal cooperative relay selection criteria were proposed based on the A&F (amplify and forward) and D&F (decode and forward) strategies, respectively, by deriving the SER (symbol error rate) of the cooperative transmission system, and a distributed relay selection protocol at MAC layer was further presented to implement the optimal relay selection. Meanwhile, the cooperative diversity schemes at PHY layer was presented along with its performance analysis over Rayleigh fading channels, obtaining the closed-form BER (bit error rate) expressions. Furthermore, computer simulations were conducted to show the BER performances of various cooperative relay selection criteria and cooperative transmission schemes, conforming that the proposed cooperative relay selection criteria outperform the traditional relay selection rules and the proposed transmission schemes could achieve the diversity gain with the BER decreased.
出处 《通信学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1-10,共10页 Journal on Communications
基金 江苏省自然科学基金重点项目(BK2007729) 江苏省高校自然科学重大基础研究项目(06KJA51001) 南京邮电大学攀登计划基金资助项目(NY207061) 华为高校科技基金资助项目(YJCB2008039WL)~~
关键词 协作通信 最佳协作中继 分布式中继选择 协作分集 cooperative communication optimal cooperative relay distributed relay selection cooperative diversity
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