利用风廓线仪和气球同步探测风场资料对比,分析了风廓线仪探测风场资料的可靠性。结果表明:在稳定天气过程中,由于风廓线仪的探测盲区和地物杂波的影响,自地面至高空200 m范围内,廓线仪探测的风向、风速与气球探测的风向风速值有一定偏差,200 m高度以上风廓线仪和气球探空所测得的风场廓线具有很好的相关性;在复杂天气过程中风场廓线形状出现较大偏差,主要原因是由于气球探空资料在各高度层之间的整体连续性方面存在明显不足,而风廓线仪的观测资料无论在各高度层之间还是整体连续性方面都明显好于气球探空。这与在较高海拔地区,气球观测期间的大气局部不稳定有关。由于气球在经过某高度层时的取值明显受到当时大气层局部小湍流活动或者较强的下沉或上升气流影响,使气球经过该点时的位移与其相邻两点之间出现明显的飘逸,从而造成气球在某个高度范围内的风资料观测值出现较大偏离。但由于探空气球的资料不连续,无法准确判断气流扰动情况,而风廓线仪获取的不同高度上的风资料是10 min内的平均观测值,一般不受小范围的空气扰动而出现较大偏离,另外,风廓线仪的观测是连续的,每组观测值之间只存在10 min的时间差,通过对前后几组数据的对比分析,可以明显看出当时气流的扰动情况。因此,风廓线仪探测在资料的连续性和分析气流扰动情况,尤其是大尺度湍流活动方面更有探空气球不可替代的作用,风廓线仪观测资料的可靠性具有良好的应用价值。
Firstly, the working principle and measurement precision of the Airda- 3000Q type atmospheric wind profiler (AWP) were introduced. Then, a contradistinctive analysis on the wind profile data acquired by both AWP and synchronous balloon sounding was conducted to estimate the reliability of AWP for deteeting wind field. The results show that under the stable weather condition, the profiler' s deteetion of wind direction and wind speed had some deviation compared by the balloon' s detection from the ground to 200 m height due to the detecting blind spots of the AWP and the ground clutter, but above 200 m, both wind field profiles correlated well; Under the complex weather condition, their wind profiles had obvious deviation because the wind information on the different height acquired by AWP is a temporal average of wind field in a time period, but the wind data measured by sounding balloon on a specific height is the instantaneous value while balloon passed by.
Journal of Arid Meteorology
atmospheric wind profiler
working principle
contradistinctive analysis