
基于SFA模型的中国电子信息上市企业成本效率分析 被引量:2

Cost Efficiency Appraisal to China's Listed Electronics-Information Firms:Based on SFA Model
摘要 本文针对中国78家上市电子信息企业,估计2003~2006年的相对成本效率,并分析了研发支出、企业规模和企业多元化与专业化的经营模式对成本效率的影响。研究发现,研发支出与成本效率呈正相关关系,即研发支出越多,成本效率越高。用员工人数代表的企业规模与成本效率没有明显的相关关系。而从经营模式来看,多元化经营的企业在成本效率方面优于专业化经营的企业,范围经济的存在可能是产生这一结果的主要原因。 This study gathers data information from 78 listed electronics-information firms in China during the period from 2003 to 2006. We adopt Battese and Coelli's ( 1995 ) model of stochastic frontier function and apply the software Frontier4.1 to evaluate the cost inefficiency score. Simultaneously we evaluate the influence on cost efficiency of the R&D expenditure, the scale and the management model of firms. Our empirical results are summarized as follows : The relationship between the R&D expenditure and cost efficiency is significantly positive, but there is no obvious relationship between the scale of firms and cost efficiency ; concerning the management model of firms, the results demonstrate that operational diversification is better than operational specialization in cost efficiency, the main reason of which may be the economy of scope.
出处 《产业经济研究》 CSSCI 2008年第5期61-66,共6页 Industrial Economics Research
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目"中国特色新型工业化研究"(项目编号:07AJY017)
关键词 电子信息 成本效率 研发 企业规模 多元化 专业化 electronic cost efficiency R&D scale of firms operational diversification operational specialization
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