本文报道1983~1985年采自四川峨眉山花蝇科六新种,即突叶叉泉蝇Eutrichota(Parapego-myia)tuberifolia;巨刺泉种蝇Pegohylemyia macrospinigera;方端泉种蝇Pegothylemyia api-ciquadrata;绒心泉种蝇Pegohylemyia tomentocorda;豹头泉种蝇Pegohylemyia pardocephalla和戟泉种蝇Pegohylemyia hastata。对此六种蝇的特征作了描述,并与近缘作了比较。
1. Eutrichota (Parapegomyia) tuberifo-lia Deng, Fan et Li, sp. nov. (Figs.1--4) ?: Body length 6mm. The new speciesis related to Eutrichota (Parapegomyia)socculata Zett., 1938, both wih the post-erior lobe of pregonites well extended. Butthe former differs from the latter by theexpanded fore part of posterior twig of pre-gonite and a deep concaving on anteriorpart of postgonite beyond the setuta. Holotype ?, paratypes 2 (kept inDepartment of Parasitology, West ChinaUniversity of Medical Sciences),Leidong-ping, Mt. Emei, Sichuan, China, July1983, Coll. Deng Anxiao. 2. Pegoylemyia apiciquadrata Deng, Fanet Li, sp. nov. (Figs. 10--14) : Body length 6.5mm. The nowspecies resembles Pegohylemyia spinisternataSuwa, 1974 and is characterized by a quad-rately apex of cerci and an eagle--beakedapex of postgonites. Holotype (kgpt in Shanghai Instituteof Entomology),paratypes 4 (kept inDepartment of Parasitology, West ChinaUniversity of Medical Sciences) JindingMt. Emei, Sichuan, China, July 1984, coll.Deng Anxiao. 3. Pegohylemyia macrospinigera Deng.Fan et Li, sp. nov. (Figs 5--9) : Body length 6mm. The new speciesis similar to Pegohylemyia zhuoniensis Jin,1983 in shape of the cerci and surstyli,having a round but not pointed apex ofpostgonite and a rank of much strongbristles on the inner side of 5th sternite. Holotype , paratypes 4 (as isstated above No. 2), Huayanding, Mt. Emei,Sichuan, China,July 1984. coll.DengAnxial. 4. Pegohylemyia Pardocephalla Deng.Fan et Li, sp. nov. (Figs. 19--22) : Body lengh 6mm. The new spesciesis related Pegohylemyia profuga Stein, 1906having non--furcation surstyli and trifurca-ted apex of cercal plate. The differencesbetween the two include: the new one hasa cercal plate with a 1:1 ratio of furcation to the base and the furcated outer twig ofthe cercal plate is larger than the centralone. Holotype (kept in West China Uni-versity of Medical Sciences), LeidongpingMt. Emei, Sichuan, China, August 1985,coll. Deng Anxiao. 5. Pegohylemyia tomentocorda Deng, Fanet Li, sp.nov. (Figs.15-18) : Body length 6.5mm. According tothe structure of the 5th sternite and cercalplate, the new species bears a strong resem-blance to Pegohylemyia rubrigena Schnabl.According to the surstyli (profile) the newspecies is somewhat similar to Pegohylemyialactucaeformis Villeneuve, but the shape ofpostgonite is similar to neither. Holotype (kept in Shanghai Instituteof Entomology),paratypes 4 , (kept inWest China University of Medical Sciences).Jinding, Mt. Emei, Sichuan. China.August.1985,coll. Deng anxiao. 6. Pegohylemyia hastata Deng, Fan et Li, sp. nov. (Figs. 23--26) : Body length 4mm. The present spe-cies is related to Pegohglemyia gentiancePandelle in Shape of the 5th sterniteand surstyli, which can be differeniiatedfrom the latter by the halberdlike cercalplate with three distinct apices all slenderand by the postgonite broadened basally. Holotape (kept in west China Uni-versity of Medical Sciences), Jinding, July1984, coll. Deng Anxiao.
Journal of West China University of Medical Sciences