
口腔颌面部多原性癌的临床研究 被引量:3

Clinical Study of Multiple Primary Carcinomaw in the Oral-Maxillofacial Region
摘要 作者收集了近11年间病理诊断为口腔颌面部癌877例,其中14例为口腔颌面部多原性癌。本文对口腔颌面部多原性癌的发生率、发病间隔时间、年龄、性别和发病部位进行统计分析。结果显示:口腔颌面部多原性癌的发生率为1.60%,平均发病间隔时间为77.5个月,男性患者多于女性(2.5:1),第一和第二原发癌的平均发病年龄分别为54岁和60.6岁;第一、二原发癌均发生于口腔者9例(62.3%)。作者认为口腔颌面部多原发性癌的预后是较好的。 During the years 1985 - 1995, 14 multiple primary carcinomas (MPC) were diagnosed from a series of 877cases of carcinomas of oral-maxillofacial region. The incidence of MPC, the interval of occurrence, age, sexand location were statistically analyzed. The results showed the incidence was 1. 60%. The average intervalwas 77. 5 months. In the present study male patients were more than females (2. 5: 1). The mean age of thefirst primary cancer patients was 54 years, and that of the second cancer ones was 60. 6 years. In 9 cases thefirst and the second primary cancinomas occurred in the mouth (62. 3 % ). This study suggests that the prognosis of MPC is good,
出处 《口腔医学纵横》 CSCD 1997年第4期225-227,共3页 Journal of Comprehensive Stomatology
关键词 多发性原发性 口腔颌面部肿瘤 临床研究 carinomas multple primary oral-maxillofacial region
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