
广西铝矿区老年人群认知能力与头发及饮水中铝含量关系研究 被引量:12

Relationship between elderly residents’ cognitive function and the aluminium contents of drinking water and hair in Guangxi bauxite district
摘要 为了研究广西铝矿主产区及非矿区老年人群认知能力与头发及饮水中铝元素之间的关系。我们采用简易精神状态调查表(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)及时钟绘图实验(clock drawing test,CDT)对≥60岁老年人群进行认知能力测定,用原子吸收分光光度法检测头发及饮水中铝元素含量,并对头发及饮水中铝元素与老年认知能力之间的关系进行统计分析,评价铝元素对老年认知能力的影响。结果观察到,铝矿区内老年人头发及饮水中铝浓度显著高于非铝矿区老年人头发及饮水中铝的浓度,且铝矿区内老年人MMSE评分及CDT计分较非铝矿区老年人有显著的降低。提示高铝暴露可能是矿区内老年人认知能力降低,罹患老年性痴呆的危险环境因素之一。 To study the relationship between elderly residents' cognitive function and aluminium levels in drinking water and hair of the main producing areas of bauxite and non-bauxite district in Guangxi. Cognitive function was measured by mini-mental state examination (MMSE) and clock drawing test (CDT) , and the aluminium element contents of drinking water and hair were determined using atomic ab- sorption spectrophotometry. The correlativity between cognitive function and the aluminium contents of drinking water and hair was statisti-cally analyzed to evaluate the effect of the aluminium elements on elderly residents' cognitive function. Significantly higher aluminium levels in elderly residents' drinking water and hair and lower MMSE and CDT score were observed in the main producing areas of bauxite compared to the Non-Bauxite district. Our results suggest that a high concentration of aluminum exposure may be a risk environment factor for Alzheirner's disease.
出处 《神经解剖学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期508-513,共6页 Chinese Journal of Neuroanatomy
基金 国家自然科学基金(No30760091) 广西青年科学基金(桂科青0447058) 右江民族医学院重点课题(2004-86)资助项目
关键词 认知能力 饮水 头发 老年人群 cognitive function, aluminium, drinking water, hair, elderly residents
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